Currently the groovy function editor is not reflecting the high maturity which Jedox Integrator has reached now. You cannot even resize it if you have to develop a more extended logic. More real-time validation of the code and debugging support wo...
Parquet file format is a type of csv where the data is laid out in a columnar fashion, instead of rows. We should have native support for this.
Save button from Integrator does not save name of the component
When editing the default name of a component in Integrator you must press Enter in order for the change to be applied. It should be also saved when clicking the Save button
Possibility to add the separator for aggregation type -> group concatenation. It could be ,.;[]#XX!, etc. Currently, the separator by default is coma ",". Sometimes we need to do a step after where we split things in columns based on the separa...
Export and Import all ETL Projects that are in a Folder
We have a Folder that includes 30 ETLs. Two Times a Year we export ETL by ETL and Load it in a New Folder. Meaning we extract 30 times and upload 30 times. It would save time if it is possible to export multiple ETLs and also Import Multiple ETLs ...
Client certificate authentication in REST Connections
In the past, we had to implement client certificate authentication for several corporate clients when we wanted to query REST APIs. It would be much more efficient and less complex not to use Groovy jobs for this, but to be able to add this certif...
Bring back addFileNameColumn in directory/ file extract
As of Version 23.4 the distinct directory extract has been deprecated in favour of the option to select to extract either a single file or a directory within the file extracts. While doing this the addFileNameColumn option of the directory extract...
Integration patterns between Microsoft Dynamics 365 and external systems (Jedox) typically rely on the use of CSV files to pass data between the 2 applications with Azure BLOB storage the place to put or get the file from