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Jedox Ideas

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Best practice examples

Showing 3

Create reports for subset filter samples

As a type_of_user, I want to _perform_some_task so that I can achieve_some_goal. Create reports with an example for the following filter: - Dynarange subset with a text filter to search for an element. (search functionality by elements and attribt...

Create integrator sample for looping months to increase performance

As a beginner with jedox, I want to understand and view integrator samples so that I can build efficient and performant integrator jobs for customers. Create a report to start an integrator job sample to load data month by month. That means: extra...

Create reports for data modelling samples

As a beginner with jedox, I want to understand best practices regarding data modelling so that I can build efficient data models for customers. Create reports with data modelling samples: How it is recommended to structure the version dimension Ho...