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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!


Planning & Analytics

Showing 36

Direct Integration of Dynatables/Views into Canvas Dashboards

Description: Extend the planned functionality of Dynatables in Canvas by allowing you to integrate newly created Dynatables directly into existing Canvas dashboards in the Dynatable area. This feature is designed to streamline workflows and improv...
8 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 1 Shipped

Dynatables/New views - Sort database and cube by alphabet instead of creation date

Please sort the database and cube selection in the order of the letters of the alphabet. View screenshots. Currently the order of database and cubes makes it difficult to find the database and cube quickly. Please sort it the same behavior as in s...
8 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Shipped

Access to stored subsets in the new Excel Add-in

I created some complex subsets in Jedox Web that I sometimes use in Excel I also create subsets for other users as well. I especially like them because it gives you the ability to quickly combine multiple filters and achieve complex selections.

Excel Add in to have repeated header as an option in settings

Currently paste view, the header in row or column are omitted if is a repeated value understand this looks neat however in certain cases ( customer ask) that to show this repeated header so when they scroll right or scroll down they still now whic...

Action - Hyperlink to Canvas sheet

Unfortunately it is not possible to set a hyperlink to a Canvas sheet - see screenshot. Would be good if this is possible.
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Shipped

As Visibility flag in button, combobox, ... add a Rendering flag

It is possible to hide a button (or another element) by using the "Visibility" property. In Canvas, when a button is hidden, the space occupied by the button remains present. For aesthetic reasons, it would be preferable for the space to disapp...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Shipped

Ability to add visibility logics to objects in Canvas

There are times where based on certain variables A user would like to see/not see certain objects in Canvas.For eg. a pie chart showing revenue distribution by products across 12 months is shown on canvas, but the user wants to look at a detailed ...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Shipped

Make Canvas Sources Sheets easier to find and open

Make it easier to see and find all the Websheets that are sources for a Canvas. Change the Web sheet source to a pull down that shows all the current websheets that are being leveraged. You can find it by clickon on the object, but better to go to...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Shipped

"+" button for expandable cells

Implementing a "+" button on any expandable cell in a report. As an example, expandable cells in a view are bolded to suggest this. This idea involves adding a "+" button in the cell to be more intuitive and to expand the cells by pressing it.

Standard KPI widgets

Pretty much all dashboards require KPI widgets (important for key information in the visual hierarchy). Currently these need to manually created using cells (with PALO formulas, formatting and more) and frames. Would be simpler to set up if Jedox ...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 0 Shipped