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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!



Showing 176 of 1285

Scheduler - Duplicate elements and manually change locator

Two basic changes to improve the Scheduler: Being able to duplicate an existing job with "Right-click/Duplicate" Manually change the values "Locator", "user"
8 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

Connection to a Sharepoint List

i can make a connection to a file in sharepoint but not to a sharepoint list we have our contract management in sharepoint as sharepoint listsand we need the status of a contract and other data in jedox actuall i have to use power automate to writ...
8 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

Qlik SaaS Connector add space / app id selector

There should be possibility in Qlik SaaS connector to select also space. Also when selecting application Jedox selects those by name not by app id. If you have several applications with the same name Jedox shows only one of those. See screenshot
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

Either copy Passwords in connections, or deactivate schedules in Environment copy

When an Environment is copied from one server to another e.g., LIVE to DEV. the process does not copy the passwords stored in Global Connections. If this is unavoidable for security reasons, please deactivate schedules by default. To many times I'...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

If a function name is changed, it should also be updated in other functions.

If a function name in a FieldTransform is changed, it should be automatically updated in other functions it is used in. Perhaps it should also be updated in the Input Column of the Target-Area and following transforms.
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Planned

Jedox integrator - Same features for "Insert columns" as in Extract

Currently, only in the "Extract" elements within Jedox Integrator the "Insert column" feature has very good functionality. You can select all elements, deselect all or just select certain columns into your Extract. But within the "Transform" eleme...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

XML editor - option to show all code of the ETL process

Currently the XML editor is limited in functionality: Find and replace is missing (there is a separate idea for this: JS-I-1557) The XML editor can only show the currently selected ETL element, e.g. job, transform Solution: Have a drop-down in the...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

Provide net working days as Unit in Dateduration

As part of the field transform, it would be helpful if the net working days selection option could be provided as an additional unit in the DateDuration function and this would output the number of weekdays between two dates.
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Future Consideration

Continue on Error in CubeSliceCopy

In the CubeSliceCopy load, if a single record fails, the whole process fails. There should be an additional option "Continue on error". This would still log an error in the log for that specific record, but it would allow the rest of the load to c...
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 1 Future Consideration

handle REST calls returning CSV data

Combine the abilities of the REST interface (token authentication) with the file connector (handling of CSV data) -- we actually have a REST inerface which returns CSV data for a GET request and currently, there is no way to import this in Jedox.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Planned