Power BI Connector cannot use ClientCredentials authorization method
The Power BI Connector cannot use ClientCredentials authorization method and therefore only offers less secure connection options. For large security conscious organisations this makes the PowerBI connector unusable for security reasons. This abil...
Add packet size option on Snowflake relational load
Hi all, When loading data into Snowflake, it inserts lines by small packet of lines. I wish I had a parameter in the load to set the "Packet size" manually to a higher value when I have to deal with large amount of data. Many thanks
This is a partner request(Alvarezan): We request that Jedox highly consider a dedicated GraphQL connector to the Jedox platform. As discussed on the call, GraphQL is being used by the clients with whom we work, and we would like to use a direct co...
Combine the abilities of the REST interface (token authentication) with the file connector (handling of CSV data) -- we actually have a REST inerface which returns CSV data for a GET request and currently, there is no way to import this in Jedox.
Create a new Load type to write custom messages to log files.
Create a new load type that allows writing to log files custom messages. Currently possible with LOG.info and a groovy script job. It would be better if groovy jobs were not required.
Integrator function to import/export a file into Designer
Jedox Integrator needs a function/load to take a file from another datasource (local neetwork drive, FTP, OneDrive, Sharepoint, etc) and load to Filemanager (Designer). Ot should be able to do the reverse as well (ie export).
Currently, you cannot use add or update load mode for an excel file that resides in JedoxFiles. This means adding additional worksheets in an existing workbook is not possible. This should be enabled.
Audit Integrator Connection to extract Audit information
Hello, the idea is to have a connection type Audit that enables us to extract all audit information for a specific cube. Also it should be possible to select if the extract is as ID or as element name from the dimensions. This is necessary for sev...
Possibility to restore old versions in the designer / integrator
If you work on a report or an integrator project and save it, you realize that you would like to restore your version from 1 day / 1 hour ago. An automated possibility for that would be great. Otherwise we always need to store our projects / desig...