Sage Innacct is a leading Financial Management Platform. Jedox should have a native connector to Sage Innacct to support the retrieval of core financial data to support the planning process.
Multiselecting rows in ETL transforms to delete or sort up/down (no XML)
Sometimes when we work in the Field Transform or Table view, Target columns could have a large number of rows. IT would be useful if we could multi-select them (on shift perhaps) and then delete them or move them without the need to use XML view.
When executing an Integrator execution this would be helpful to be able to get the information whether it has been triggered using a macro, a scheduled task, and so on...
Integrator function to import/export a file into Designer
Jedox Integrator needs a function/load to take a file from another datasource (local neetwork drive, FTP, OneDrive, Sharepoint, etc) and load to Filemanager (Designer). Ot should be able to do the reverse as well (ie export).
Possibility to restore old versions in the designer / integrator
If you work on a report or an integrator project and save it, you realize that you would like to restore your version from 1 day / 1 hour ago. An automated possibility for that would be great. Otherwise we always need to store our projects / desig...
Scheduler Job when copying from one instance to another
With the "Jedox Instance Synchronization" feature, users can copy information from one instance to another, including the scheduler. After copying from the test environment to t...
Retrieve information from parent node in JSON extract
When hierarchical data is retrieved from a REST endpoint, it's really cumbersome to get that data into a dimension. Imagine, your JSON data has the following hierarchy: Legal entity > Function Area > Cost Center Naturally you'd configure you...
Expand column aggregation to include more than 2 column inputs
It would be great to be able to add additional columns in the Column Aggregation Transformation Function so the aggregation can be calculated based on the unique dimension elements from another column. Currently, it allows max two columns but woul...
It would be helpful if you could choose whether a CSV or Excel file should be created when exporting ETL DATA PREVIEW. As is the case when exporting drill-through data.