If a function name is changed, it should also be updated in other functions.
If a function name in a FieldTransform is changed, it should be automatically updated in other functions it is used in. Perhaps it should also be updated in the Input Column of the Target-Area and following transforms.
Jedox integrator - Same features for "Insert columns" as in Extract
Currently, only in the "Extract" elements within Jedox Integrator the "Insert column" feature has very good functionality. You can select all elements, deselect all or just select certain columns into your Extract. But within the "Transform" eleme...
XML editor - option to show all code of the ETL process
Currently the XML editor is limited in functionality: Find and replace is missing (there is a separate idea for this: JS-I-1557) The XML editor can only show the currently selected ETL element, e.g. job, transform Solution: Have a drop-down in the...
this would be greatly useful to have a method to get the number of rows returned by an ETL component, such as:
Show full Data Source name in data source combo box in Integrator components
In complex projects, to ensure readability of integrator, component names can get very long. Currently, with long names you need to guess the name and then check the name on the component tree to see if you have selected the right one. The datasou...
As part of the field transform, it would be helpful if the net working days selection option could be provided as an additional unit in the DateDuration function and this would output the number of weekdays between two dates.
Integrate Jedox ETL with OCR tools (like Echovera) to capture/convert image to text tables and use it for importing to Jedox database. Scenario : Ability to import scanned copies of Vendor Statements or Bank statements to Jedox using Intelligent O...
In the CubeSliceCopy load, if a single record fails, the whole process fails. There should be an additional option "Continue on error". This would still log an error in the log for that specific record, but it would allow the rest of the load to c...
As a Data Integrator, I want to see the previous runtime executions in the monitor after the job/load's name was modified and executed.
Currently, if I run the job/load, change the name, run it and check the previous execution (with the initial n...
when using the methode FILE.zip(connName,sourceConnName) in the FILE api, it is not possible to zip mutliple files on the root of the zip file (directory works) this would be helpful since specific systems ingest a zip file without subdirectories ...