Combine the abilities of the REST interface (token authentication) with the file connector (handling of CSV data) -- we actually have a REST inerface which returns CSV data for a GET request and currently, there is no way to import this in Jedox.
Setting variables via source like Extract, FieldTransform etc
It is only possible to set variables dynamically without Groovy when using Loop-Jobs (more or lesse misusing them). Downside of this is that it will not work with Data Preview.It would be great to have a) a variable setting integrator component (V...
Azure Data Lake gen2: Integrator support for Common Data Model Views
When you connect to ADL, the data is "schema-less" (ie there are no field names on the file columns.). Data Lake has a way of presenting multiple files (i.e the data files - there could be multiple.., the json file containing the field definitions...
Create a new Load type to write custom messages to log files.
Create a new load type that allows writing to log files custom messages. Currently possible with and a groovy script job. It would be better if groovy jobs were not required.
Ability to access the Status Monitor of the Integrator using dynaranges/views (so similar to just access a cube)
For a better overview of the run Integrator jobs, we would like to be able to access their status via dynaranges/views. At the moment, the only option we have is the feedback window which opens when an Integrator job is started via a button action...
Integrator function to import/export a file into Designer
Jedox Integrator needs a function/load to take a file from another datasource (local neetwork drive, FTP, OneDrive, Sharepoint, etc) and load to Filemanager (Designer). Ot should be able to do the reverse as well (ie export).
Currently, you cannot use add or update load mode for an excel file that resides in JedoxFiles. This means adding additional worksheets in an existing workbook is not possible. This should be enabled.
Additional checkbox in Json and XML extract: Dynamic
As a Integrator builder, I want to be efficient with my usage of extracts from cloud based systems. Right now, I need to define a specific json or xml schema for each rest connection. What would be great is if Integrator could automatically assign...
Possibility to restore old versions in the designer / integrator
If you work on a report or an integrator project and save it, you realize that you would like to restore your version from 1 day / 1 hour ago. An automated possibility for that would be great. Otherwise we always need to store our projects / desig...