Number format with space thousand sep. and dot for dec.sep.
Jedox has different user English languages for specific regional number formatting - English (Sweden), English (Finland) etc. These languages help to format numbers. But we need a bit different number format - with space thousand separator and dot...
I would like to propose the possibility of exporting and importing of users, user groups and roles to files. That way we could easily set up eg. Roles on Jedox installations, instead of point and click ............ click......... .click etc.
Quite often our customers ask us to export data in plain table format (normalized). The only way to do it - download cube data (optionally with filters, base elements and rule-calculated values). But normal user cannot do it manualy due to access ...
For Excel export (as is already the case with PDF export) it should be possible to export multiple frames at the same time. It should behave in the same way as PDF export with frames.
So "use for export" should have the same effect on the Excel e...
In modeler add a right click on cube "Create view" action
For spot data checks, I find it long to switch from modeler to designer, create a spreadsheet, edit the spreadsheet, create a view. I would expect a direct view from Modeler.
We have lots of groups and folders and maintenance is heavy. Each time a new group is created, we have to review almost all secured folders. My suggestion would be to manage this through cube rules.
Upload for multiple files and folders into Designer
Right now it does not seem to be possible to upload multiple files at once or folders to Jedox Web. Unless you want to use sftp and the File System this is necessary to import multiple files via directory import (which has recently been made avail...
Modeler: The context menu count property should refer to the element selected
When right clicking on an element in modeler and selecting count, it always shows the details for the whole dimension. As you already have this information on the dimension properties tab, this dialog should show information about the individual e...
Shortcuts key to insert Jedox form elements and Charts
In the report designer to facilitate report creation the following actions could also be triggered using keyboard shortcuts: Insert Horizontal/Vertical Dynarange
Insert Button Insert Combobox Insert List Insert Label Insert DatePicker Insert Chec...