Ability to copy & paste (CTRL+C & V) values into PALO formulas (view/detached/...) without overwriting these. For multiple cells, string and numeric (user-definable preferred numeric format or at least a warning/selection, if the input has...
In the classic Add-in, it's possible to use right-click to access the "Trace Value" option which allows you to have overall information on the value calculation, path, etc. This is a needed feature in the new Excel Add-in
Currently, there's an object in the Role Groups called "Cell Data Excel" that allows to define independent writeback rights in Jedox Web & Excel. E.g., a user could writeback from a Web Report but not from Excel, however, this function is not ...
Option to Deactivate to Automatic Update of Palo Formulas in Excel after Opening an Excel File
With the Excel add-in we have the issue that if somebody without Jedox access opens the file he gets value errors as Jedox automatically connects as soon as the file is opened. We have other tools for which we can deactivate the update functionali...
It would be nice to have Undo and reset view buttons in excel add-in for reports. I understand that there is already an Undo button in the add-in but that is more for planning I guess. What we need is an undo button for the steps that users perfor...
Excel Add in to have repeated header as an option in settings
Currently paste view, the header in row or column are omitted if is a repeated value understand this looks neat however in certain cases ( customer ask) that to show this repeated header so when they scroll right or scroll down they still now whic...
Better / easier handling of old reports for the new add-in
Reports created with legacy add-in should be usable without the need to detach views & rebuild them in new add-in. This will help users collaborate easily using 2 different add-ins depending on their setup.
Show cube description in Jedox Excel add-in when using Jedox Web Dialogue
When users utilize the standard dialogues (not the Jedox Web Dialogue) and hover their mouse pointer over a cube in the "paste view" dialog while selecting cubes, they can view the cube's description. This feature greatly enhances the user experie...