Currently you can only select one dimension in the cube. We have a requirement to average all dimensions on all hierarchy levels. That is on the very highest level, you want to see the average of everything in the cube and on all levels down.
in SAC there is the possibility to create such a rule:
[Marketing Cost] = [Revenue] * [Marketing Cost % of Revenue] | INVERSE ( [Marketing Cost % of Revenue] := [Marketing Cost] / [Revenue] )
it allows you making Marketing Cost % of Revenue and ...
Possibility to control which levels of a hierarchy in a combobox with subset is expanded, when opened the first time. Same option exists for dynaranges allready.
In addition to the export functions (PDF, HTML, XLSX) there should be a function for printing.
Right now, users who want to print a report have to export first and print then. Better doing this in one step.
Data Driven Modeling with Selectors for existing DB, Cube or Dimension
It would be helpful if you can select an existing database or cube using the Data Driven Modeling Process. And if there are already Dimensions you should be able to select the Dimension you want to use. Currently the Problem is, if you are running...
When selecting some cell which references named range, it should be possible to display name of the named range instead of the cell address in the address field in Jedox Spreadsheet #10343