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Jedox Ideas

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My ideas: Canvas

Showing 66 of 1285

Add formats ability in Canvas label

When adding a label to the canvas, it seems to format everything as a general format with ability to format the font and font size. I had a few occasions where I needed to use an expression and format the result in the label (e.g. expression - =TO...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Create multiple KPIs automatically by Subset

Have something like a dynarange also available for Canvas frames would enable me to configure several objects (eg. KPIs) much quicker. I could define a KPI layout which would be the same for all, but the metrics displayed in each individual KPI wo...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Action - Add element - multi-languages

Background: Currently the end-user can create a new element and adding a name. But they can only add it in the language they are logged in. Problem: It is not possible to add multiple languages: Name in english, german and french. Solution: Please...
2 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

DOM Tree/ component selector

Often it is not easy to see all the components on a canvas, especially if they are a bit more complex. Furthermore, hidden objects are not visible on the canvas by default. To make the canvas more accessible to the user, a hierarchical object tree...
3 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Expression editor

Like other low/no code platforms, the approach to directly edit properties of components on the canvas through expressions is super helpful. n To simplify this for users an editor, which offers available objects/properties (in form of a data picke...
3 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Combobox/ Components: Creation through drag and drop (e.g. from a dimension)

Something to consider for a beginner friendly assistance to create a canvas: Instead of creating a component (combobox), this could be simplified the following way: The user just picks a dimension from a given list and drag & drops it onto the...
3 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Enable exporting a Frameset that includes both normal spreadsheets and a Canvas

Enable exporting a Frameset that includes both normal spreadsheets and a Canvas.
7 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Canvas - set standard variables for all comboboxes

Currently I need to add for each combobox manually a variable. It would be great and easier for beginners and reduce clicks if a variable is automatically set for comboboxes. Example: I create a new combobox with subset Version. Then it should set...
8 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Variable alignment of objects.

In the objects Properties "Size & Position" tab, please add a variable tick-box and dropdown variable select for each of the inputs. This will make for easier alignment of menu screens and the entire model.
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Jedox Web Navigation / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Keep the button properties (background, font) when clicking on it (web and Canvas)

I'd like it if, when the user clicks on a button, that same button could keep its properties (background, font, etc.) and not be displayed again by default. A bit like checkboxes that keep the tick displayed when you click on them.
12 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Future Consideration