Hi team, SVG image cannot be set as thumbnail (icon) in a button. Jedox will be a more consistent tool if we were able to have SVG images used everywhere (image, report thumbnail, button, ...).
Hello Jedox, Sankey Charts are the best method for visualising a P&L. Adding, such a chart would be benificial for all customers. See the example in the attached files. Kind regards, Sander Lelivelt CPM Consultant | Aexis NL
Provide the ability to define themes for charting in Jedox Web, allowing users to define default styles for chart components such as titles and labels and define custom color palettes to align with corporate branding and style guides.
Round Popup / report edges (Feature: "Radius" in canvas)
I am currently applying canvas to all my reports. And many stacks are rounded. It looks modern and great. But all popups (Report opened in smaller size) edges are not rounded. It is inconsistent for the reporting lanscape of the customer. Popups a...
Being able to align components to grid and other components
Having a function like in Power Point and Power BI, where you can align boxes, charts, tiles, components etc. to each other. Should come with a visible indication of alignment and "magnetic" behavior.
Add the ability to display delta values to bar charts and waterfall charts so that users can quickly and easily see the change from one data point to the next without having to read the values from the axes and calculate manually. This could be th...
It's great that we now get better customizing of charts via the "Advanced Chart Properties". But it is still limited when it comes to more interactive charting and reporting. I would like to insert @Variables into the JSON string so more propertie...
Add 'format data series' dialog to every dynamic chart
Currently in almost every dynamic chart you have the possibility to format its chart series by rightclicking on a series and select 'format data series'.
But in the meter chart for example this does not apply. You are not able to edit these data ...