Function to display overlapping labels so as not to overlap
In the case of bar line chart etc.
Sometimes the labels of the first chart and the labels of the second chart overlap.
Therefore, I want a function that automatically adjusts the position so that they do not overlap.
This would make Jedox very visually appealing in demos, and introduce a functionality that no other EPM tool possesses. Add the ability in Charts to drag a series. When the mouse is released, the new chart value is splashed over the dataset behind...
It should be possible to choose and smooth line chart or a spline chart. Especially when showing a trend, it is often more appealing to the eye, if the lines in a chart are more 'round' A spline-chart solves this issue. Currently it is only possib...
Dynamic data format (linked to variables) on dynamic charts would be highly valuable and would allow to switch from KPis in M€, %, units…and adapt charts accordingly. Today, we have to develop severals reports / charts specific to one kind of form...
Currently you need to use the Advanced properties dialog to add totals to a stacked bar chart. As this is a commonly required feature it would be preferable to set this option in the main chart properties section
A clustered and stacked chart has clusters of columns or bars, with a stack in each column or bar. Similar to the example shown below: This type of chart can be used to compare actual vs. budget by category, for example.
Charts: Colour codes, fill/border, line formats and positioning should be dynamic
All colour codes, fill/border, line formats and positioning on charts should be able to be passed in from a range, named range or variable. This would essentially bring a basic "conditional" formatting to charts and cover the main things the users...
Provide support for creating Box-and-Whisker Chart (aka “Box Plot”): a more generic and robust version of a Candlestick Chart meant to illustrate different dispersion ranges of data (e.g., quartiles, deciles) around a mean or median. Please review...
Ability to control/specify which symbol is used for data points ,e.g. for Actual, Prev. Year , Budget, Forecast different symbols needed as of those automatically assigned by engine #18238