As a planner I would like to view which positions are currently vacant. Therefore it would be great to have a vacancy sign shown next to the positions.
Currently when I plan an employee I sometimes don't understand why the numbers are not written. This could have several topics why it is not writing: - I enter FTE or salary increase before the employee startet: Employee startet 1. Oktober. But I ...
When adding a new employee I would like to copy from an existing employee. Please add a feature to copy from an existing employee: e.g. same legal entity, same cost center, same position, FTE and salary. View screenshot.
Add the possibility to plan by new positions instead of employees and then to move the data from the new position to the employee. Currently I can add a new position in the employee dimension. e.g. I am looking for a new IT system administrator. A...
Feedback from customer - communicated by Bastian: Currently it is possible to increase the salary % in the settings report, but not the salary wizards. There is is only possible to increase an amount, not a %. It would be great to have that featur...
Make projections on the payroll, changes in HR grids or tax relief
From an actual or budgeted HR base, make projections on the payroll, changes in HR grids or reductions in charges would be interesting instead of fill in the salary by employee.