When dropping charts onto a canvas from workbooks with lots of copied charts, the names are impossible to decipher. See screenshot.
We need some way of determining what chart is what.
Possible solutions could be:
1. Create a label attribut...
As Visibility flag in button, combobox, ... add a Rendering flag
It is possible to hide a button (or another element) by using the "Visibility" property.
In Canvas, when a button is hidden, the space occupied by the button remains present. For aesthetic reasons, it would be preferable for the space to disapp...
In older version of Jedox, you could specify a default theme to be used for paste views by user. Proposal is to bring this back, but also the ability to specify a 'global' default (settings key) and a 'user' default (inthe paste view). This would ...
When creating a Jedox View that uses a Subset in the rows / columns, the Sorting settings of the Subset are overridden by the View settings. It would be helpful if the Subset Sorting was preserved.
More flexibility for "Parents below Children" option in Views
At the moment, when using the "parents below children" option in Jedox Views, it is always applied to both the rows AND the columns in the View. On columns, moving parent elements to the right when expanding is sometimes confusing. The request wou...
Suppress Zeroes on Rows or Columns only in Paste View
Very often during the definition of an ad-hoc query users want a fixed set of columns (or rows) while having the need to suppress zeroes on the other axis.
View Lists are a great new feature in that they allow asymmetric reporting in Jedox web views that could not be done before. However they have a limitation in that the View List Titles are Hardcoded and do not allow the names to change as needed. ...