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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!


My ideas: Planning & Analytics

Showing 36

Introduce a 'reload' concept in views

When the view structure changes (eg a subset changes) views in existing reports are not changing automatically. A 'reload' concept would allow users to completely reload the view from the server. This could be a button to the right of the view lis...
almost 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation / Views 0 Shipped

Rework 'sub-set view' right object permissions

For this right object you should be able to create, edit and delete private stored views, without having the ability to delete global views. For example, this new right would be able to do what W-right can currently do and, in addition to this, al...
almost 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB / Views 0 Shipped

Create a chart based on a view

Since there is the ability to now base a chart on the new (In-Preview) PALO.VIEW.TABLE() formula, it would be great to have some UI so you could select a view on a report and choose to change it to a Chart or create a chart based on that view.
about 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 2 Shipped

Paste View to start with existing slice selection if one exists

Paste View to start with existing slice selection if one exists.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Shipped

Heighten the view-window to show more dimensions

When building a new view via "view" in Excel, the window showing the dimensions is to small; only the first 7 dimensions are shown. To see more dimensions one has to scroll down. This is sometimes very hard/painful. Please enlarge/heighten this ...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Shipped

Outline mode in paste view

If there are 2 dimensions in the rows in paste view and the second dimension aggregation level is expanded, then all first dimension element displayed. It makes data analysis and discovery a nightmare. If it could work like an outline mode, like e...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Shipped