In "Exchange rates" report, when selecting the target currency "EUR", the "EUR" is hidden. Currency EUR and target currency EUR conversion is 1. This makes sense and works fine. In case USD is selected the EUR is hidden and USD is shown. Same for ...
For initial demo purposes a more robust initial data load would be extremely helpful in selling the model. Whether it is prepopulated or the SA can walk through loading it, there needs to be more date across significantly more period. This is so t...
If an element has only one element below only the top element is shown in POV
Wenn you are creating or editing a view with the new 365 excel add-in and you have an element which has only one element below, always the top element is shown in the view / POV.In all other cases (and in the old l-egacy add-in) the choosen elemen...
ESG - Add a report to select the double materiality
Add in data preparation a report to select the double materiality. The customer should be able to select: which KPIs are relevant for me and select and deselect. Add a comment. Wolfgang will send a mockup.
Possibility to add the separator for aggregation type -> group concatenation. It could be ,.;[]#XX!, etc. Currently, the separator by default is coma ",". Sometimes we need to do a step after where we split things in columns based on the separa...
Publishing a report / application in a separate window and prevent re-login after log out
we have the case, that we give our sales team access to a planning application, but we won't give them access to the suite. so the became a link and the application opens in a separate window. but when they log out, the log in mask automatically a...
Add public-facing IP address to cloud console for each instance
Clients often need to whitelist the IP address for the Jedox Cloud server, which requires submitting a ticket and waiting for a reply. This should be available in Cloud console.