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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 855

Add the possibility to copy from drillthrough views

In the data preview window of the Integrator it is possible to copy text from it. Would it be possible to also copy texts from the drillthrough window? See screenshots ;) Thank you! :)
25 days ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 4 Future Consideration

Support Number Formatting for Views in the Word Add-In

Currently, when inserting a View using the Word Add-In, the numbers do not retain their proper formatting (e.g., percentages, or custom formats). This limitation makes presenting formatted data directly in Word documents challenging, requiring add...

Integrator Monitor Page (include User)

Hi Team, To improve efficiency in Jedox Integrator, the Monitor Page can be enhanced to display a "User" column directly in the main table. This column will show the user responsible for each job, eliminating the need to click on individual jobs a...
29 days ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

Include search field in new cube creation or layout changing

It is a simple thing but the way the dimensions are ordered on the left side do not follow any useful criteria. It would be nice to have something similar to what we have in subset editor where you can type the name or part of it in a field and it...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Duplicate Databases

In order to create a backup of a database one has to download and the upload the database. This should be possible with one step only. Like the duplicate function for Integrator projects.
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 2 Future Consideration

Dyntable - create possibilty to export the chosen data

Please create a possibilty to export the data as shown in the dynatable to excel, like in a xls-snapshot. This would be very helpful for quick data analysis.
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Planning & Analytics 1 Future Consideration

Authorise sorting in subsets based on more than one criterion

Today's subset editor only lets you sort elements by one criterion (element, alias, attribute, etc.). It is often necessary to sort on several criteria, for example first on an attribute and then on the name of the element. This is not possible wi...
about 2 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 1 Future Consideration

Ability to set defaults instead of repeating long palo formulae with many arguments

When using the Jedox Fincon model, some cubes have 16 dimensions which make writing palo formulae very awkward, and difficult for many users to troubleshoot. We have been playing with Lambda formulas as a solution to just put in, for example, the ...
about 2 months ago in Jedox Platform / My Models 1 Future Consideration

disable csv files in database download by default

Csv files used to be important in database downloads for compatibility between Windows and Linux in on-premise environments. Since we are two years past the transition to cloud-only, this is no longer necessary in most cases, as downloaded databas...
about 2 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Future Consideration

Show Linked Components of ETL Jobs and Loads

ETL Jobs and Loads should display all the components that they are linked to and can be triggered by. For example, these should include scheduled jobs, and buttons in reports that reference them as actions. It would be great if the list is also al...
2 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration