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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 222

Password box from Administration filled up with Black Dots

When you create a user and write the password, the fields for the password should be filled up with Black Dots after the new user is saved.
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Not Planned

Sending the mail with Cc and Bcc with Jedox ETL Scheduler

Hello, there is a customer requirement to receive all the escalation emails as "CC" recipients through our ETL Scheduled Job but unfortunately, due to the short coming, I am currently adding the CC emails to my TO email list through mailer.addReci...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Not Planned

Select View is very awkward on large number of models, cubes and views

Select View is very awkward on large number of models, cubes and views We need some options to control the volume of selections that appear when you have numerous models to select from. While it is likely that most customers will not have as many ...

Allow Signing onto Jedox via LinkedIn, GMail, etc. IDs

Many websites and SaaS applications allow a user the option to login with their LinkedIn, GMail, or similar account by aggreeing to link their login credentials. The obvious benefit to the Jedox end user would be less passwords to remember or rese...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

Add additional checkbox in Integrator Action for "Test Connections"

Include a new checkbox in Integrator that when checked, the Action just tests the Integrator load/job in the specified project without actually executing the project. The check box should have the same effect as pressing the "Test" button in a com...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Not Planned

cd as source format in the DateFormat Function in the FieldTransform

At the moment the cd format is only supported as a target format. When a date is needed as an input variable in an integrator project it is quite difficult to get it in another fomrat than the cd format to the integrator. If you use for example th...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Not Planned

Set tab order correctly in Settings

When in Settings manager, using the tab button on the keyboard to navigate, it bounces around up and down the settings list, instead of logically going from one section to the next. Regardless of custom keys added, using the tab key should result ...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Not Planned

Allow uploading multiple wss files, and replacing multiple files in Designer

It is currently possible to upload e.g. five PDF documents at once into the Jedox Web Designer, by drag&drop'ing them on a folder. However this is not possible with .wss (and xlsx) files, and if you already have PDF file(s) with similar name, ...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Not Planned

Show local number formatting in Name Manager

Numeric values in the Name Manager dialog are always shown with english locale / numberformat, not the user's actual locale format. This can be a bit confusing.
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Not Planned

Recalculate row heights in DynaRanges on any report change

When you have a DynaRange with automatic row height, and you change some combobox in the report which the DynaRange does not depend on, but e.g. some PALO.DATA() formula inside of it does, this can cause e.g. longer, wrapped texts to not be fully ...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Not Planned