Sometimes the large subset option is not suitable for all users (e.g. 1 user needs it because a huge amount of elements are to be displayed, and another not) ; the possibility to make the option variable would be really helpful
Shared Dimensions / rule performance between different databases
The concept of Jedox models is really great to split a big EPM applicationinto different manageable modules (modularization). Example: You could have 3 different models for planning sales of products, production of products purchasing of material ...
Add support for logging in syslog format and to remote syslog daemons
Add support for logging in syslog format and to a remote syslog daemons. Evaluation of existing solutions and specification and implementation of custom solution. #12002
Sometimes (while in development or production) an ETL job fails at a certain point. Then often all steps before were successful and after solving the problem I would like to continue the ETL from the failed element onwards. Instead I have to resta...
It would be nice to have any notification when a comment is inserted in a report.
One small icon with the number of new comments (like other Apps) could be enough and the best solution
1. With a Parse Error in RULE you get an errormessage referring to a position number in the rule's string. But the editor never displayes the current position as a number, which would help locate the error.
Or highlight the error position!
E.g: u...
in #_GROUP_DIMENSION_ cube this is really complex to know what is the right for a certain group since it can be inherited from upper levels, for instance:
Europe N
France R
this would be great to be able to see that, say using a "flag" t...