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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 1263 of 1263

Make selection "list" or "hierarchy" on General tab of subset editor variable

With most configurations in the subset editor variables can be used. This would also be very helpful for the choice between "hierarchy" and "list" on the "General" tab. This also goes into the subset formula with 0/2 als values, so technically it ...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Add option "Element path" to Subset Editor (dynamical indent)

In version 2021.4 Dynamical indent was added to Subset Editor. As it is mentioned in knowledge base: "Note that when using this option on dimensions that use parallel hierarchies, the result can be ambiguous. In this case, the full paths of elemen...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Access to platform components from spreadsheet/canvas

If certain platform components could be access in the spreadsheet/canvas, it would simplify a lot of admin like activities that certain users need to undertake. For example, the widget could show the elements layout in the platform, and specify wh...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Dynamic Print Area in Reports

I would like to have the opportunity of setting the print area within reports dynamically, meaning that I have the possibility of setting a variable or named range in the section "Table".
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Using the copy command without copying empty cells/zeros

Using the copy command without copying empty cells/zeros. I love the "withrules" option. A "withoutEmptyCells" option would be awesome.
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Future Consideration

Pin multiple Integrator views

Sometimes this could be useful to be able to pin more than 1 view in Integrator (for instance up to 3) My current use case is that I have e.g. a FieldTransform (let's call it "Target"), I want a function that is in another one component (let's nam...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

Dynamic implementation of report rights by Integrator

As an implementation expert or power user I would like to define which user group gets access to which report. Example: admin gets rights to all 30 reports, planner gets access to 20 reports and viewer gets access to 5 reports. Currently it is pos...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Foundation 0 Future Consideration

Hide ETL projects in Integrator if (reading) access is only granted with non-Integrator group

When a user is assigned to groups with different roles, where one role (e.g. designer) has access to Integrator and another (e.g. editor) has only access to reports, rights for ETL projects are “combined”. E.g. the group with access to Integrator ...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Hide Reports in Designer if (reading) access is only granted with non-Designer group

When a user is assigned to groups with different roles, where one role (e.g. designer) has access to Designer and another (e.g. editor) has only access to Reports section, rights for folder groups / reports are “combined”. E.g. the group with acce...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

New Subset option: Show all missing parents/ancestors up to root level

When filtering e.g. by free text name or attribute, it's very typical that the result might only show base elements or elements from different levels. In dimensions, consolidated elements (i.e. parents/ancestors) usually provide additional, useful...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration