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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

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Support more than 2 nested Dynaranges

In order to easily maintain complex print reports, I would need up to 5 nested Dynaranges in one report. One of the latest requirements could use 3 nested vertical Dynaranges with 2 horizontal ones intersecting only the inner vertical Dynarange (t...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 6 Not Planned

Define a separate cube data value for dynarange filtering and sorting

With a dynarange, you can only filter based on the value used for data filtering. If you have e.g. Projects as a vertical dynarange and turnover and costs as a horizontal dynarange, and want to filter out elements where both are 0, you cannot then...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Not Planned

Print function in Web

In addition to the export functions (PDF, HTML, XLSX) there should be a function for printing. Right now, users who want to print a report have to export first and print then. Better doing this in one step.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

Trigger macro when worksheet is selected

Could you please consider to create a macro function that is triggered when sheet is selected.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 1 Not Planned

Inserting columns and rows per macro

Possibility of inserting columns and rows per PHP-macro like VBA in Excel (for example: "Range("A2").EntireRow.Insert")
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

Dynarange shouldn't change the specified cell with dollar sign ($) in Excel formula

If a excel formula is defined in a cell which is covered in a Dynarange, position of specified cells in that Excel formula is dynamically changed when the Dynarange is expanded. e.g. If "SUMIF($G$2:$G$4,B3,$E$2:$E$4)" is specified in a cell cover...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

Working with tasks through API

It would be useful to be able to create, modify, delete and launch tasks directly from the API, allowing specification of : schedule (date/time of execution and frequence of execution), active or not, file location when generating xlsx or pdf.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

By default show summary of cells in the bottom right corner

Like in Excel it would be nice to get an automatic summary of cells shown in the bottom right Corner (see attached file). For example: Value in cell A1: 20 Value in cell A2: 30 Value in cell A3: 40 When range A1:A3 is selected, the sum of those ...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

Get the old modeler back

Get the old modeler back, and not the new one that is awfully inconvenient, for instance for managing multiple hierarchies
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 1 Not Planned

Number of rows from an ETL component

this would be greatly useful to have a method to get the number of rows returned by an ETL component, such as: mySource=API.initSource("myExtract"); mySource.getRowCount();
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Not Planned