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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 1128 of 1237

Canvas PHP Actions

Make it possible to trigger PHP script via action in canvas. There are already a lot of actions that cover the basic stuff that you might need in order to fulfill your actions. Anyway, macros are still a valid use case and can't be triggered in ca...
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 3 Future Consideration

Dynatables/New Views - View data in system cubes and with system dimensions

Please add system cubes and cubes with system dimensions to new views / dynatables. Background: In most customer projects we have a cube named "Report Management" with 2 dimensions: Report and #_GROUP_. The dimension "#_GROUP_" is a system dimensi...
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/New Views - View data in attribute cubes

I would like to view data in attribute cubes like "#_Legal entity" to see the currency by legal entity or the types by pnL Account, etc.
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration
113 VOTE

Move objects (button,chart,checkbox) when (un-)hiding rows/columns

When you use the functions HIDECOLUMN and HIDEROW to hide/unhide columns and rows certain objects on the spreadsheet stay in their position and are not moved accordingly ..this affects charts, Buttons, checkboxes etc. It would be great to be able...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Deactivation of Smooth Scrolling Mode

Possibility of centralized deactivation of smooth scolling mode in the mobile app for all users of a cloud instance
19 days ago in Jedox Platform / Mobile App 0 Future Consideration

Delete Cube Button before Clear Cube Button

I wonder if the Delete Cube button can be moved to the far right, making it the last button accessible. Recently, I accidentally pressed the Delete button instead of the Clear button and ended up losing all my day’s work. This was incredibly frust...
19 days ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/Views - allow hyperlinks in rows, with click open another report with preset variables

If I view a dynatable with the list of employees I would like to see details. I would like to click on a link next to the "Employee" row and a report should open with the preset variables of this employee: Employee, Cost Center, Legal Entity,... V...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Capacity to manage multiples Active Directory in Cloud

When we are facing prospect with many subsidiaries, they often have their own Active Directory. Jedox does not support it. Some of our competitors (like Board) offers this functionnality which penalizes us on deals.
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Cloud 1 Future Consideration

Make Global color palettes available in the Jedox-Designer

I want to be able to access the different series of palettes in the designer when I design reports. Most importantly, as a client, I want to access our company's own palette in the colour picker of the design tab (see attached ‘Colour Picker.png’)...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/NewViews - Show ID_Name and Name at the front

In 99% of the cases the user would like to show the ID & Name instead of the Element name only. Example: PnL Accounts: I want to view 500000 - Statistics instead of only 500000. Currently I have a long list of attributes sorted in alphabetical...
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 1 Future Consideration