Active by default - option "Allow multiple parents with a single hierarchy" in Dimension upload wizard"
It can be less dangerous to set the option "Allow multiple parents with a single hierarchy" active by default when elements are uploaded to the dimension. We have encountered several issues when hierarchies with multuple parents were destroyed, be...
VIEWS: It would be going far beyond better analysis, if you could write back/splash input in a VIEW, even if POV Multiselect is being used with one or more dimensions. The selected elements of one dimension would temporarily be treated as siblings...
This would make Jedox very visually appealing in demos, and introduce a functionality that no other EPM tool possesses. Add the ability in Charts to drag a series. When the mouse is released, the new chart value is splashed over the dataset behind...
When someone created a schedule, it should also be added somewhere in the logs so that it will be easy to create within the organization if we have more than one person with admin accounts
Hi Team, Recently I encounter an issue, where someone with admin account created a schedule job with changed time and username, due to audit purpose we need to identify how did that as we have more than one account having admin rights. But as jedo...
When opening a report fails or is too slow, for example, due to a macro running on startup, it would be helpful to have a safe mode to open the report ignoring actings, macros, etc. This could help fix the report.
Make "PALO.SERVER_SUBSET()" available in dynamic elements
At the moment, you have to use the option "Formula" with the formula "PALO.SERVER_SUBSET()" when using a global subset as a source for dynamic elements (dynaranges, comboboxes, etc) that should adapt to any change of the global subset. It would be...
The world has the concept of two FY period. [The concept of FY] Example, case of starting April (A)Japan, etc : FY2016 → 2016/4/1~2017/3/31 (B)Germany, etc : FY2016 → 2015/4/1~2016/3/31 Time editor is (B) pattern in Jedox Modeler. We hope to add o...
Transpose (interchange) rows and columns in the dimension editor of the Modeler
Some dimension have more attributes then elements. In these cases it would help to transpose/ interchange between columns & rows in order to make more values fit on one page. Having e.g. all values on one screen would help to get a faster &...
Expand Default value of attributes to further components of the Jedox plattform
The functionality to set Default values for dimension element attributes (currently available in the Modeler) should be also available
a) when uploading a dimension from a file with the Modeler,
b) when loading a dimension with Integrator,
c) ...
Expand Domain constraints for attributes to further components of the Jedox plattform
The functionality to constraint attribute values via a Domain (currently available in the Modeler) should be also available
a) when uploading a dimension from a file with the Modeler,
b) when loading a dimension with Integrator,
c) when enteri...