Influence chart scaling and axis label format dynamically based on the users activity on the report (his filter settings etc.). I would like to set axis min/max based on variables. (see attached mockup)
Action button for Integrator to include option for dialogue box
Dialogue box will allow users to define variables prior to running the job. Action options will have to allow for the selection of variables to be shown so not all appear.
First of all the new Jedox Web Actions are a super improvement! Additionally it would be great to have a "start macro" action. (instead of assign macro) This would enable us to start a macro with a confirmation dialog at the beginning. Thanks a lo...
Reports sometimes have a lot of columns and it's hard to recognize the whole row, especially if the cells are locked. It would be very helpful to highlight the row on mouse hover as it is now in Modeler dimension view.
Show Dimension-Name in in web reports
When one is inserting the in Excel, the function shows always the name of each dimension followed by the default element; so the user can easily identify the dimension to change the reference value. By inserting the
Translation: use default language in reports if system language not available for reports
Currenty if adding the feature multilanguages we has two possibilities: 1) Using the following formula: =PALO.DATAC(rngDB;"#__Translation";"Name";"1000130";rngLanguage) I translate the text in german and french. My default language is english. If ...
implement the new XLOOKUP function in Jedox Web. The function is present in the latest versions of Excel and does the same as VLOOKUP but more powerful
Audit logs and cloud console logs to be more user friendly
current description of logs are very technical which is not easily understandable by users. To enable self-sufficient to customers by having logs description to be more user friendly.
Add the ability to launch an action from a contextual menu
Today, when you click on a numerical value in a report, a contextual menu appears to launch a drill-by, drill-through, hold manager, etc. It would be interesting to have a submenu for Actions with a list of actions to launch.
Today, in a dynarang...
In Jedox Web, it can become very difficult to keep track of all the cubes recently created in a database and those you may need to be referenced in rules. In the past, I have created separate databases to address this, however, the references in r...