Folder and file names cannot be translated in Jedox Designer. In an international context, this means that you have to define a common language or multiply entire hierarchies (directories and files) depending on the number of languages used.
Add Strategic Planning in BPA Foundation or Finance
The strategic planning approach that is used in OnePlatform should be integrated in our Best Practice Accelerators, as enhancement of the existing Version management/ Create Version section. With that, customers should be able to create new scenar...
Workflow/collaboration should be shipped with the platform
Hi, workflow/collaboration should be shipped with the platform. It should be easy to use. It is such an important part of a FP&A tool. Jedox should not rely on a bulky Model here.
When selecting some cell which references named range, it should be possible to display name of the named range instead of the cell address in the address field in Jedox Spreadsheet #10343
Add the ability to different a second color per series in bar charts or column charts optionally; the second color would be used for negative values, i.e. values smaller than zero.
It would be nice to be able to define an element in an hierarchy as standard element. This would mean that when splashing on the parent the full value would be written on this element rather than splashed onto all the underlying elements. This wou...
Paste NOT only for visible area (especially when using dynaranges)
Unfortunately in Jedox Web copy&paste is only possible for visible areas of the report.
When working with large dynranges people often export reports to excel first, then they fill in their numbers (e.g. sales revenue planned) and want to past...
The KnowledgeBase needs functionality to switch the language
Currently, most of the Jedox articles are provided with English in the KnowledgeBase.
Since the Jedox is used around the world, could you please consider to add the functionality to switches the languages to the KnowledgeBase?