More Chart Types and Better Annotation & Exception-Based Reporting Capabilities
Please add more chart types, such as the following, which are very popular on other reporting platforms and a glaring omission on the Jedox platform after so many years: Combination Chart: bars + line on same graph with dual y axes Tornado and Fun...
Autofilter on spreadsheet (on dynarange) - like Excel Autofilter
It would be great to add an Autofilter simular to Excel onto a spreadsheet (onto a dynarange). Current situation:
All filters in a Jedox Web spreadsheet have to be implemented manually one by one via dropdowns, subsets etc.
This is great to...
Encoding Type Of CSV Files Exported From Drillthrough Table
By default the csv files exported from the drillthrough table are encoded to UTF-8. Could you consider to add the functionality to change the encoding type to the other as users like.
Expand/Collapse all elements in DynaRange when clicking the top element.
We want to DynaRage option that expand/collapse all elements in DynaRange when clicking the top element.
or Macro function.
[Sample attachment]
When click Top element(All Products),
Currently : □1←→□2
Request : □1←→□3
Audit periods 30 days, 365 days are a little too short
When I execute a monthly or yearly process and something runs unexpectedly, then I try to compare my current process with the previous process by examining the audit. But with a 30 day auditing I am simply hours too late. I would suggest, that the...
Keep the button properties (background, font) when clicking on it (web and Canvas)
I'd like it if, when the user clicks on a button, that same button could keep its properties (background, font, etc.) and not be displayed again by default. A bit like checkboxes that keep the tick displayed when you click on them.
Have something like a dynarange also available for Canvas frames would enable me to configure several objects (eg. KPIs) much quicker. I could define a KPI layout which would be the same for all, but the metrics displayed in each individual KPI wo...
It should be possible, that the jobs in Financial Consolidation Models could run in parallel. The reason is, if you schedule normal jobs e.g. 15 min and they need about 5 min to be finished, and in between you start jobs in financial consolidation...
Add the ability to create a new subset (Private or Public) in the Select Elements UI. This is where most people would want to create a quick picklist without having to go into modeler. This would really be handy(and is how TM1 does it now)