Loads with insertParallel on sub-trees (boundaries)
If one uses a load with insertParallel mode, the ETL will unconsolidate duplicates of elements in every Top-Element. This behavior is documented but not always wanted - sometimes you only want to load a certain Top Element (Tree) to be loaded with...
If a user is restricted by #_GROUP_DIMENSION_DATA_* to a specific area he will usually get a #VALUE error for everything else (in Web as well as Excel). Sometimes it would be more beneficial to treat these #VALUE errors as 0s, so that the user exp...
Abstract: User rights on OLAP objects in a database should not be influenced by user groups that are disabled for this database. Case: As you probably know one can limit user rights to certain databases via cube System/#_GROUP_DATABASE_DATA. A use...
there is no possibility to set the default right for ETL Projects like a modeler.
We would like to hide ETL projects as default settings.
And then, we would like to be able to display projects only for explicitly authorized user groups.
Correct hierarchical sorting when using several groups
when using several groups allocated to a user that have different access rights on elements of a hierarchy, the dimensions elements will not be rendered properly (e.g. show base elements as consolidated ones)
the underlying problem is that the hi...
it has to be possible for a user who has forgotten his/her password to request a new one via email. This is state of the art and should definitely bepossible in jedox web.
Always show additional optional settings in integrator
In Jedox integrator the additional optional settings are not expanded.
Therefore you always have to expand this block first to check if there is anything configured there.
>> All blocks should always be expanded at any time.
>> Alter...
Function to display overlapping labels so as not to overlap
In the case of bar line chart etc.
Sometimes the labels of the first chart and the labels of the second chart overlap.
Therefore, I want a function that automatically adjusts the position so that they do not overlap.
in SAC there is the possibility to create such a rule:
[Marketing Cost] = [Revenue] * [Marketing Cost % of Revenue] | INVERSE ( [Marketing Cost % of Revenue] := [Marketing Cost] / [Revenue] )
it allows you making Marketing Cost % of Revenue and ...