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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Integrator
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 7, 2022

Export and Import all ETL Projects that are in a Folder

We have a Folder that includes 30 ETLs. Two Times a Year we export ETL by ETL and Load it in a New Folder. Meaning we extract 30 times and upload 30 times. It would save time if it is possible to export multiple ETLs and also Import Multiple ETLs with one click.

    Dec 9, 2022

    Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.


Export and import multiple Integrator projects in one step

We have split our ETL processes into several different Integrator projects to keep everything modular and maintainable. However the deployment of a new complete release from a development to a production system is quite annoying: We have to expor...
about 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Shipped