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Jedox Ideas

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Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories In-Memory DB
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 12, 2023

Add Business Rule functions XIRR and XNPV

As a Private Equity company, XIRR is our basis for performance analysis. We can use a spreadsheet function to calculate XIRR and NPV but the spreadsheet limits my reporting capabilities. I have more than a hundred companies with several classifications (country, industry, ...) and I need to show the top 10 according to those classifications Maybe there is a smart way with Jedox's actual capacities, but I think having a PALO.DATA.XIRR used as a calculation inside my cube is the easiest.

  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2024

    Hi, yes the batch calculation is needed and I would say a common use case when you analyze private equity funds.

  • Guest
    Oct 31, 2023

    I had this issue some years ago. My workaroud was the following: I used the spreadsheet function and wrote the desired (because correctly calculated) value back into an appropriate cell in the cube.

    In your case it may be tricky because it seems you need batch calculations, but until Oliver provides a smooth rule function you may consider this workaround.

  • Admin
    Oliver Hüttner
    Oct 13, 2023

    Hi, we are not sure if we get this request fully. Is the ask here to provide Business Rule functions in Jedox for XIRR and XNPV, so that the values are directly stored within OLAP? If not, could you add some more context?

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