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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Other
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

Hotfix availability

If a hot-fix is available, it might be interesting for everyone. It would be nice if all partners are informed and it could be downloaded. Or if hot fixes grouped together in cumulative patches, it could be released monthly therefore constantly improving system stability at clients.
  • Admin
    Dominik Lenz
    Feb 27, 2020

    Since last year, all Hotfixes are available for download in the Jedox Support portal.We're also updating setups available for download to include available Hotfixes at a regular cadence.

  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    I as a customer (not a partner) would like to have this kind of information as well. We can't always install a service release or major upgrade when it comes out. So I think we would also benefit greatly. As of Jedox 6 SR2 I needed to install two hotfixes. At least one I could have had in advance and some nerves and time would have been saved.
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Several times I lost a day for analyzing if we made a stupid mistake or if Jedox has a bug. Another day is needed to prepare a description, a reproducible scenario, and log files which can be entered into the support page. Then the answer is: Oh yes, we know, please download the hotfix...