Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
At the moment, Jedox differentiates between uppercase and lowercase in the integrator and treats the elements like two different ones.
Example: RepUnit <> REPUNIT -> Table normalization, lookups etc. won't work properly as Jedox raises the error that the element doesn't exist "Cannot bind input to..."
However, this does not apply in the modeler/in the dimensions as it is not possible to add another element that already exists with just changing from lowercase to uppercase.
In my point of view this is not consistent and Jedox should be able to map RepUnit to REPUNIT in my example.
Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.