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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 11, 2024

Excel 365 addin: Expand dimension to show all elements

It is currently not possible to automatically expand a Total Element of a dimension to all children. Meaning in a hierarchy with 3 or 4 levels, I have to open each and every consolidated element and thereafter mark all the elements.

A possibility to simply drill down/expand and thus show all contained elements at once would be very helpfull.

    Apr 17, 2024

    Thanks for this idea. We think it is a good one. We have started an internal process for the implementation of this feature. Watch this space!

  • Admin
    Deepti Rao
    Apr 12, 2024

    Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.