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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Future consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Views
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

A better way to drag and drop dimensions, than the current "Paste View" function.

Jedox should take a page from Excel Powerpivot, Tableau or TM1 and redesign the Paste View function. Often users want to just drag and drop dimensions on the view itself, and not have to click on "Edit View" go to another screen. The current Paste View function involves far too many key clicks to perform analysis. For example - to choose a new element in a view 1. Edit View 2. Click the dimension 3. Click Choose element 4. Select element (very poor selection options in Jedox, for example I can't select all elements that contain say 'HEMAS' at once) 5. Move to the right etc etc
    Feb 5, 2021

    Hi. This is a good idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.

  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    definitly right, but already covered in this vote:

Adhoc Analysis: usability like Excel Pivot Table

Currently we have basic adhoc analysis capabilities in Jedox Web via paste view / edit view. But when you really need to analyze your business you have a lot of navigation steps with different combinations of dimensions, hierarchies, elements, lev...
about 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future consideration