Today, when you click on a numerical value in a report, a contextual menu appears to launch a drill-by, drill-through, hold manager, etc.
It would be interesting to have a submenu for Actions with a list of actions to launch.
Today, in a dynarange, it is necessary to use a hyperlink opening a selection popup, or to use several hyperlinks if you want to give direct access to each of the actions. This makes the UI very heavy.
The contextual menu is the best solution.
Furthermore, an action can only be launched from an object such as a button, combobox, etc. It would be interesting to be able to add sets of actions to one or more slices of a cube. This would enable funded users to launch actions from a view, a dynarange or a dynatable.
Today, we can define a single set of actions that run sequentially. It would be interesting to be able to define several sets of actions. Instead of left-clicking and launching a set of actions, the user could right-click and choose the set of actions to launch.