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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

Positioning of charts depending on cell position & size (Dynarange)

Current situation when combining charts with dynaranges: Design Mode: - you create a chart next to a dynarange and give it a certain size Result in User Mode: - the chart will be stretched to a bigger size according to the expansion of the dynarange This can sometimes be avoided by using frames or by other workarounds, but those work arounds are not really applicable for professional real life solutions, For example if you use frames already for other purposes, esp. for menu bar structures then you don't have this option (as frames cannot be nested into each other). So it would be great to apply some options to charts (and maybe other objects) to control the sizing and positioning behaviour based on the underlying cells. This could be done like in MS Excel - where you can define the behaviour for size and Position individually (see screenshot). Thanks :)