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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Not Planned
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Integrator
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

debug mode for macros and script code in ETL

when writing macros or script code in ETL it is often difficult to find out what went wrong and when it went wrong. The only way at the moment is to scan the log files for error messages. For development it would be helpfull to have a debug mode for those scripts and macros to see step by step if they are working correctly. This could be combined with the object manager I proposed within another feature request.
    Apr 18, 2021

    Hi , We will be introducing a concept called "Tracepoints" soon which will enable you to set up debugging of components and scripts in Jedox Integrator. We will not be introducing a separate IDE for debugging macros or PHP scripts. We will continue, however, to improve spreadsheet Actions (introduced in 20.3) which will continue to reduce demand for macro scripts. We are not planning to introduce a debug mode for macros and script code in ETL.