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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Other
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

Jedox Web Buttons

Enable more interactive reports with buttons instead of combo boxes. Buttons work really well on mobile devices for example and correctly formatted, look modern) - see attached .wss 1) Be able to copy and paste them (to save time instead of replicating formatting) Auto row or column aligning would also be helpful (or multi-select and change the size and position, or pass size and position in from cell references). 2) Be able to select some common actions like hyperlink to another report (or at least generate the code for this), update a name ranged or cell (ie so you can use a button instead of a combo box easily), (could automate other activities like run an ETL but these are usually infrequent and very specific, but hyperlinks are really common). 3) Be able to select some template designs for buttons or at least create templates (e.g. have some more modern styles, e.g. metro-style) perhaps with a sample library of icons to use. 4) Option to change colour of font on rollover (e.g. like on rollovers here rather than just the background. 4) Enable a "selected" option where it changes colour (again so you can use it quickly instead of combo boxes by having some horizontal buttons together and you select one which changes the filter on the report) 5) Be able to pass a cell reference in for the label (and other parameters like a hyperlink) so you can pass in a subset to a series of buttons rather than defining them all manually. Or alternatively be able to generate buttons from a subset/or place them in a cell so they can be used in a dynarange like input validation.
    Jul 2, 2019
    Jedox 6/7
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Copy and Paste of buttons would be extremly helpful if buttons are used in a menu (as in Bikers Best). Other idea is the usage of style sheets, i.e. to define a global style that describes the format of the button and then assign the style to the button. That would it also make it very easy to change the appearance of all buttons (e.g. if a report is re-used for another project, but all buttons should be colored in blue instead of grey because of customer's request)