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Jedox Ideas

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Notification function to inform users / maintenance mode

Please provide a function to inform users (based on groups) about certain events / changes etc. in three different ways (non exclusive): 1. small popup at login whereby message creator can set whether info is only displayed once per user or until message is deactivated 2. Email notification based on user-Property 3. maintenancemode Jedox Web for deployment phase that notifies user and temporarily block file- and reportmanager or certain hierarchies from using
  • Guest
    Jul 10, 2020

    We have already introduced message of the day and Banner notifications in 2020.1. If you feel that email notifications and bulk temporary block are still important, please create separate tickets for this. thanks.

  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2020

    In addition from 2020.1 we have the Banner functionality with enables admins to send messages to users when they log in.

  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Such functionality could be realized already with the on-board tools, e.g. it is already possible to use settings(define motd setting) and custom login screen.
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Another idea, having the same intention: Create a new e-mail which is addressed to all users that are currently logged in. This would be very helpful, when you apply quick-fixes and you need to inform users about a change or downtime.
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    We have created such solution by modifying the motd, combining the change of the message upon maintenance mode and de-activating all groups but ... (administrators, e.g.). Contact me if you need more info.
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Any news on this topic? We find the lack of maintenance mode very unsatisfying, especially due to the easy feasibility.
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Sometimes you don't want to have regular users on the system because you are recovering from a backup or are changing user rights heavily. At the moment you must de-activate users which can cause a lot of confusion in the company and requires some preparation time. It would be beneficial if you can just set the whole system into a maintenance mode - restricting access to the maintaining team (maybe by a special role). In addition the start page could be changed to indicate a maintenance mode to the users / as well as a proper Excel error message.