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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Improve Batch PDF / Push-Mails

E-mails sent by ETL-/Taskmanager shall be more configurable:

- User defined mail subject incl. use of ETL variables

- User defined mail body incl. use of ETL variables, incl. HTML

- Mail recipients: TO/CC/BCC

- Possibility to attach statical files in addition to the batch-PDF.

- Configurable layout templates

  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Also the ability to easily set up the batch so one report cycle can send to a specific user. Not all org structures can be represented by the security model (ie go over groups).
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    This has been up for 3 and a half year and signed as "planned" since April 2015. Please come up with this. Shouldn't be too much work, to get this done...
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    This is a really important feature. At the moment people think they are getting Jedox error messages, when I send them reports with batch pdf! They don't know and don't care what a "Jedox Batch PDF task" is! At least give us the ability to change the standard subject from <> to something like <>