Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
Please add more chart types, such as the following, which are very popular on other reporting platforms and a glaring omission on the Jedox platform after so many years:
Combination Chart: bars + line on same graph with dual y axes
Tornado and Funnel Charts: various types, often used with sales funnel data
Box-and-Whisker Chart (aka “Box Plot”): a more generic and robust version of a Candlestick Chart meant to illustrate different dispersion ranges of data (e.g., quartiles, deciles) around a mean or median
A Tree Map Chart: similar to a heatmap, but it shows a hierarchy via colors and sizes of rectangles
Also, as an ancillary suggestion for all the charts, please allow more capability for annotations and/or exception-based reporting, such as reference lines/thresholds, outliers, text annotations, etc.
We have created seperate ideas for the different chart types. Please vote for the individual ideas:
Heat Map: https://feedback.jedox.com/ideas/JS-I-1085
Tree Map: https://feedback.jedox.com/ideas/JS-I-1084
Box and Whisker: https://feedback.jedox.com/ideas/JS-I-1083
Funnel / Tornado: https://feedback.jedox.com/ideas/JS-I-1082