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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Not Planned
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 27, 2020

More Chart Types and Better Annotation & Exception-Based Reporting Capabilities

Please add more chart types, such as the following, which are very popular on other reporting platforms and a glaring omission on the Jedox platform after so many years:

  1. Combination Chart: bars + line on same graph with dual y axes

  2. Tornado and Funnel Charts: various types, often used with sales funnel data

  3. Box-and-Whisker Chart (aka “Box Plot”): a more generic and robust version of a Candlestick Chart meant to illustrate different dispersion ranges of data (e.g., quartiles, deciles) around a mean or median

  4. A Tree Map Chart: similar to a heatmap, but it shows a hierarchy via colors and sizes of rectangles

Also, as an ancillary suggestion for all the charts, please allow more capability for annotations and/or exception-based reporting, such as reference lines/thresholds, outliers, text annotations, etc.