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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Integrator
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 26, 2021

Add JedoxFiles option to the location parameter in the Directory Connection

Dear Jedox,

What: Please expand the location parameter with the option "JedoxFiles" in the directory connection. This option already exists in the CSV and Excel connection.

Why: The directory connection is very useful for file management.

Please let me know if this is easy to build and if you feel this is worth building.

Kind regards,

Sander Lelivelt

CPM Consultant at Aexis NL

    Mar 9, 2023

    Thanks for the idea. We have recently shipped this in the latest release of Jedox. Please check it out and tell us what you think!

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2022

    I think this would be an essential feature. Up to now I frequently used a workaround with "File System" connections on the storage location. This does not work any more in Jedox Cloud due to missing rights to read the files with Jedox Integrator.