Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
While reports/framesets that have been published within the "Reports" section can be renamed, it is not possible for pop-ups / reports that are opened via hyperlink in a new reports tab to have a different displaying name (tab name) than it's actual file name.
E.g. I name all framesets that are shown as a kind-of-pop-up (fixed width and height) "_PopUp_<<name>>" which doesn't look user-friendly in the frontend, but helps organizing within report designer.
I suggest to implement a "display name" that can be added within report designer (like one can add a "description" in the file properties). This "display" name should automatically be shown if the report is opened from a hyperlink instead of the reports hierarchy / reports navigation.
OR: the hyperlink function gets a new argument to determine the tab name.