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Jedox Ideas

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Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 3, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JS-I-1664 Align acceptable characters across the platform.

Validate element name with 2 or more consecutive space characters Merged

According to the Knowledgebase element names with 2+ following spaces are not allowed. However, the creation of these elements still work. Only when using the elements in the Spreadsheet, strange issues appear. For example the default element is used, or the element is just not shown. This problem can arise when importing data e.g. from an excel sheet and the element then does not appear in the spreadsheet (paste view etc.). It would be good to prevent creating these elements or to replace multiple following spaces by a single space.

  • Guest
    Mar 1, 2023

    The above problem description probably refers to the import of element names by the ETL/Integrator.

    It is also possible to enter element names incorrectly in Jedox Web - Modeler (this includes spaces at the beginning or end, with tab included etc.). If such an incorrectly named element is stored in a virtual dimension, then after OLAP restart the database containing this dimension can no longer be started.

    Therefore, the element input in the Modeler should in any case point out such misspellings and refuse to save these elements (data validation).