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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!


Planning & Analytics

Showing 10

Canvas - Freeze panes or pin column(s) e.g. PnL Accounts

Request from Consulting: Some reports are very large and so it is necessary to hide and show columns (works!) and use freeze panes (Not working yet). Example: Finance Report shows PnL Accounts on the left side and if the user scrolls to the right ...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 4 Planned

Background image for canvas

Instead of only having a color as backgorund, it should be possible to select a background image. This would allow to have a background image with all frames placed on top of it
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 2 Planned

Window fixation - Canvas

If I set a window fixation in a worksheet (for example the top row of a report) and insert this worksheet into the canvas, the window fixation does not work in the canvas. Otherwise, it would be enough if I could fix more than one row at the top o...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Planned

Create a chart on the fly from a view

The addition of the new views brings real added value in terms of UX/UI. But they remain too limited for some customers and prospects when they compare them to the competition. It would be interesting to add value to views by integrating the begin...
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization / Views 1 Planned

Method to quickly choose a level of elements to show in view (eg L3, L4, Base elements)

Currently, the only way to show all layer elements of a dim is to select them in edit view, or slowly click through every one of them to expand it out. This is time consuming in designer, and quite impractical for published views (reports). Can th...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Planned

Newest Views enhancement does not enable users to select single or multiple elements to drag into the Row or Column.

Newest Views enhancement does not enable users to select single or multiple elements to drag into the Row or Column. This should be enhanced to act like it does in the web designer or excel addin. The new functionality enables users to drag the di...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 1 Planned

Enable separate control for rows and columns for "Parents below Children"

"Parents below Children" is a very useful feature. However, it applies to both rows and columns which isn't always suitable. It would be great if Jedox could simply enable separate control for rows and columns for "Parents below Children" function...

More dynamic charting (eg. min/max axis)

Influence chart scaling and axis label format dynamically based on the users activity on the report (his filter settings etc.). I would like to set axis min/max based on variables. (see attached mockup)
almost 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 1 Planned

Ability to add a stored view or paste view object in Canvas

Currently a paste view or stored subset can be viewed in canvas by creating a frame and inserting frame as an object in canvas. We need the ability to add a stored view as a direct object in Canvas
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Planned

Prevent saving view as "global" / public if it contains private subsets

Users can select a "private" subset to use in a View for one of the view's dimensions. Since the subset is private, it's only usable for that specific user. If they would now save this View as "global" (meaning, all other users can see & open ...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Planned