dynarange - vizualization of drilldown possibility
DynaRanges already allow to give basic formatting and define which levels are displayed and which can be drilled down to. At bigger Jedox rollouts we faced the difficulty to point out to users that they can drill down certain parts of the report a...
Customized link in Hyperlink Action Button function
It would be great if we could have customized link when trying to execute action button. Currently it is only possible to select it but sometimes files which we want to access are generated dynamically.
I have a lot of people working with some reports. They all need different starting points. So if they choose the month 2023-11 they want to see the same selection e.g. in the next morning. They do not want to select those things once again. It wou...
Multi-selection behavior when applied in view header
Today, the view lets you select multiple items from the combo-boxes in the view header.
User can choose between SUM or AVERAGE for aggregation. Measures amounts are calculated accordingly to user's choice.
The same occurs for measures calcul...
Navigating from a scheduled task in task scheduler to the actual ETL component (groovy/ standard job, etc) would be handy. Right clicking and selecting an option to navigate to the respective ETL component would save a lot of time in implementatio...
Time editor: Parallel hierarchy for dummy year elements 2022-~ and 2022-00
Current solution: Currently using the time edior to add the dummy elements 2022-~ and 2022-00, etc. will result in a hierarchy "All months > 2022 > 2022-01, 2022-02, .., 2022-~, 2022-00". This result leads to the issue that it is not possibl...
Maintaining the access rights for groups in the report manager is a real "pain" if you provide more than only 1 application or report to be selected by the users.
If a new group is created in the system manager you will have to go through all rep...
Action button for Integrator to include option for dialogue box
Dialogue box will allow users to define variables prior to running the job. Action options will have to allow for the selection of variables to be shown so not all appear.