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Jedox Ideas

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Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word)

Showing 41

Option to set alias as default value

It should be possible to preselect the alias as the default value to avoid confusing users with IDs defined as base elements. The setting should be made user-specific.

Hide all #VALUE errors

Especially on opening or reloading a workbook for a short moment there may be displayed lots of #VALUE errors, while Jedox is retrieving data. Only possibility to hide these currently is an optional formatting for text color to match background co...

Export a web report to Excel through dimension (bursting)

The result is an Excel with as many sheets than elements in the dimension. It allows to get reports split by channel or Customer or product without creating views manually.
almost 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) 0 Future Consideration

Enable Rule Tracer in the 365 Add-in

I would like to have access to the origin of calculated values on PALO.DATA* cells to understand how it has been calculated
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) 2 Future Consideration

Display No Access to non access elements instead of #Value

When we setup a security at dimension level, some users are set as N to prevent an access. In report spreadsheet, the element is displayed in a single cell (not using dynarange). But when non eligible user open the report, the particular element t...

Copy & Paste in 365 Excel Add-in

Ability to copy & paste (CTRL+C & V) values into PALO formulas (view/detached/...) without overwriting these. For multiple cells, string and numeric (user-definable preferred numeric format or at least a warning/selection, if the input has...

Google Sheets Jedox Add-in

More and more clients seem to be leveraging Google sheets instead of Excel. Anaplan is pursuing this strongly, and we need to consider making this an option as well.
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) / Other 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/New Views - Add "Hide empty elements"

Please add the feature "hide empty elements" for all selections. So if I have a list of products and I select "hide empty elements" it should show me only those with data. So "old products" which I need to keep to compare current data with old dat...
7 months ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) / Views 1 Future Consideration

Add ability to Influence which sheets are included in XLSX snapshot

The export of the whole workbook should then be the non-default option. A common use case is to export the single sheet that you are on. Would be good to have an option for sheets to exclude/include them from snapshot export.

Support for Calculated Fields in Views in the Excel 365 Add-in

Enable support for calculated fields in Views to allow dynamic data manipulation directly within the Excel Add-In. This functionality would empower users to perform advanced calculations using Views content and dynamically expand/collapse them bas...