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Jedox Ideas

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Financial Consolidation Model

Showing 5

Mapping tables for the Bring Balances Forward procedure

The current Bring Balances Forward procedure maps the T999 Closing transaction type from the prior reporting period always to T000 Opening of the current reporting period. All balance sheet accounts are always brought forward to the indentical acc...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 4 Planned

Custom source level elements in the Consolidation dimension

The Local GAAP element of the Consolidation dimension is the only element to receive original source data for the separate financial statements. This data is captured on the ~ element of the Scope dimension and shows automatically on all other sco...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Planned

Restart workflow step

As a power user of the Financial Consolidation model I want to reset a single scope (being a workflow step in the Consolidation workflow) or a single legal entity (being a workflow step in the Separate Financial Statement Collection workflow) so t...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Planned

Disclose financial statements from the Finanical Consolidation model as an XBRL based export

Export separate and consolidated financial statements according to one or multiple XBRL based standards (e.g. XBRL, iXBRL, SEC, ESEF, HMRC, etc.).
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 2 Planned

Capture inventory by products to compute unrealized profit by products

Extend the storage to capture inventory from intercompany trades by products or product groups. Data should be captured from input screens. Capture percentage margin by a percentage margin by the legal entity, partner entity and product combinatio...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Planned