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Financial Consolidation Model

Showing 26 of 1281

Matrix Consolidation

What it is: Consolidate both Legal and Segment Consolidation ledger together/ with the same Consolidation logic and Store information in same ledger/ cube rather than multiple. Customer Challenge: Data reconciliation is complex while having multip...

Option to choose additional scope while posting journal

Challenge: User has to copy journals to reflect the journals to multiple scopes Detail: The system currently designed to post journals to a particular scope by considering different accounting standards (IFRS, US GAAP) and currencies for different...

Equity reclassification and reflection to Investment Register

Challenge: Manual effort to reclassify accounts and no single place to view all the investments Detail: Period1: Investor originally invested 200K to Investee (Subsidiary). Period2: Investee booked 15K as current period retained earnings. Period2:...
11 months ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 1 Will not implement

Functionality to copy posting journal from Segment Consolidation ledger to Consolidation ledger

The customer works with the Segment Cube in the Financial Consolidation Model in the cloud environment. Our client uploads all his manual journal entries to the Segmnet Cube using Excel files. Because some of the consolidation functions (for...

Various imported manual journal entries should be organized in different subfolders.

The import folder for manual jourmal should allow subfolders so that journals from different departments can be placed in different folders. There is currently no option to navigate to subfolders in the import folder. The selection box in the "...

Journal Upload: System to block and provide errors when corresponding GL Account does not exist while uploading journals

Challenge: Financial Consolidation model uploads journals successfully, even corresponding GL Account does not exist in master data. Recommendation: System to block and provide errors when corresponding GL Account does not exist while uploading jo...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 1 Already exists

Profit margin in % between 2 accounts

As a customer I want to define the profit margin in percentage between 2 (or more) accounts. At the moment this is only possible between 2 legal entities Such percentages are independent of Legal Entity, and are valid for all relationships between...

Allow Sub-consolidation journals using manual consolidation to be automatically reflected in Total Group level.

Sub-consolidation journals using manual consolidation are not reflected in Total Group level. The user expectation is to automatically apply all manual journal entries (Adjustment 1, Transition, Correction or manual consolidation entry) to all sup...

More advanced filter options for Posting Journal Financial Consolidation Report

It would be useful to have additional options for filtering Journal entries, specifically the following categories: "Balance Constraint" "Created By" "Modified" "Modified By" "Posted By" "Legal Entity" All of these labels are shown in the "Posting...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 2 Will not implement

Posting Journal- Balance Constraint not aligned with Consolidation Rule

Current Challenge: Troubleshooting/ tracking the data is nightmare Root Cause: When a user create a manual journal entry and try to post the journal system throws error message "Invalid" with balance constraint "Legal Entity" and allows to post ev...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0